Your Jobsite Cleanup Checklist When The Job Is Complete

Your Jobsite Cleanup Checklist When The Job Is Complete

While your crew might not jump for joy at the thought of cleaning when your construction project is done, it allows you to stand back and see the fruits of your labor. No matter how well you keep your job site organized, a job site getting dirty is just the nature of the work. To give your crew a great reputation, leave your completed project in clean condition.

Gather your cleaning supplies and start checking off this job site cleanup checklist.

  • Do a walk-through and collect all tools and equipment

Walk through the completed project to make sure there are no nails, wood chips, or miscellaneous materials lying around. Collect all tools and equipment from the site. Now that you have your crew’s things removed, you can start cleaning.

  • Dust and sweep

Naturally, job sites can get dusty, dirty, and full of sawdust as you trek from the outside to the inside. Dust from top to bottom, starting with all light fixtures and the top of cabinets. Then, work your way down to countertops and appliances. If you use a feather duster, it’ll move dust to the floor, but you’ll clean the floors later anyway. Or, you can use a vacuum attachment or small vacuum to get rid of dust.

  • Clean surfaces

Wipe down all surfaces with a disinfectant spray to leave your completed project in the best shape. Remember to also clean baseboards and walls to remove any scuffs that can happen during construction. Windowsills are another area to not overlook since dust and debris can accumulate and dirt can gather in the corners.

  • Clean floors

Once you have all the dust and debris removed, you can sweep it all up and vacuum or mop. Repeat this process in each room.

  • Clean windows and mirror

Make your completed construction project shine by cleaning all windows and mirrors. Newspaper or coffee filters are a great option to not leave behind streaks.

  • Clean air ducts

To clean air ducts, use a vacuum and pneumatic brushing system made for duct cleaning. Once cleaned, install a filter, then run the central furnace or air handler. Finally, replace the filter so it’s fresh and ready for the building or home to be occupied.

  • Dispose of all trash

To leave your jobsite spotless, remove all trash. Now you can stand back and take pride in a job well done.

Now that you know what to do at the end of a job, make sure you know how to get started, too. Every project needs the proper materials and equipment. You can get all your building supplies and materials from us at Miller’s Building Supply. We’ll even deliver your materials directly to your jobsite.