How To Patch And Repair A Hole In Your Drywall

How To Patch And Repair A Hole In Your Drywall

Patching and repairing a hole in your drywall is simple enough to DIY. Before you buy any supplies, assess the damage. You’ll need different materials depending on how big of a hole you have in your drywall. No matter what you’re up against, this is an inexpensive repair to do yourself.

Whether you have a small or big hole to repair, we’ve got you covered.


Repairing a small hole in your drywall is simple. Clear any dust or debris from the hole, then cover it with spackle. Let it sit for as long as the spackle packaging specifies, then sand it smooth.

Or, you can apply a small mesh patch, then cover it with a spackle or lightweight joint compound. Allow it to dry for as long as the packaging specifies. Once it’s dry, sand the area and touch up your wall paint.


If you have a big hole in your drywall, it must be patched with a new piece of drywall. But before you cut out the damaged area, check for any wires, pipes, or ducts in the wall. You can make a very shallow cut to see if there’s anything you need to work around. Use a drywall saw or utility knife to cut out the damaged area.

Now that you have a clean hole in the wall, you can start patching. Cut a piece of drywall into a square big enough to cover the hole — with about two extra inches on each side. Inside the hole, attach a small strip of thin wood to either side by screwing them in beneath the surface of the drywall.

Now, set the square piece of drywall in place and screw it to the wood pieces you attached. Apply joint tape to all sides of the patch — this helps strengthen the bond. Next, cover the patch and tape with joint compound and allow it to fully dry before sanding and painting.


For the drywall tools and materials you need, think Miller’s Building Supply. Find what you need with us at 1819 E Monroe in Goshen, Indiana, or browse our selection online.