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Having an unorganized job site can be stressful, inefficient, and dangerous. With the right strategy, you’ll give your crew as much peace of mind as possible and create a productive and safe environment. A bit of chaos on a job site might feel bound to happen, but you’ll make your crew’s lives much easier when you follow these five organization tips,
Labeling everything on a construction site can make a big difference. Signs should be used to designate tool storage areas, any safety hazards, and pathways. This will help provide a clear understanding of how to navigate the work zone. It can also be helpful to label bins for small items like screws and nails so they’re always easy to locate and won’t be as likely to get lost.
Your entire crew must know where to store their tools so they’re safe and out of the way. Having this organization system in place allows your crew to always know where to find what they need. Clearly label your storage chests and units to prevent loss and damage of tools. Storage areas are also important to keep tools safe from damage caused by weather like rain and snow.
Schedule regular clean-up times to keep debris away from your active construction zone. Your crew will be able to get the job done more efficiently and safely in a clean space free of hazards. Everyone on your team should know who is in charge of sweeping up debris, storing tools, and taking out the trash so the work zone is clean and ready to go for the next day.
If half of your crew likes to communicate via email while the rest send text messages, then miscommunication is bound to happen. Set clear expectations for communication on the job site by designating areas for meetings and ensuring everyone knows who the right person to contact is if concerns arise. Select a group messaging system like Slack or GroupMe for everyone to use when communicating. Consider using project management software, too, to stay on track.
A tool inventory tracking system will help your crew stay on track by allowing them to always know where what they need is located. A tracking system also reduces the risk of tools being misplaced or lost. To create a tool inventory tracking system, take inventory of what you have, input that data into a tracking system, and then train your crew on how to use it.
Need building supplies, tools, and materials? Get what you need at Miller’s Building Supply. We’ll even deliver materials right to your job site. Check out our products online or visit us at 1819 East Monroe in Goshen.